The Media Library in Display5 shown below, is available in two places -
from the main "MyShows" screen when you first log in, down in the lower left panel of this web page.The Content Library for a Show is found at the bottom of the Playlist window for the Show.See screen shot below:
The difference between these two content libraries is that the one in the Main MyShows screen shows you ALL the content you have uploaded to every Show and offers you the option to download any media item, and the media library in the Playlist for each Show allows you to filter the content that you have uploaded for the that Show, plus a host of other features as outlined below.
Upload - The ledia
library has an upload button that will allow you to upload any image or video
or audio file to the library , you will need to pick a
target show to which you wish to upload the asset to however.
Import from Qumu - this is a feature available with the Qumu plugin module installed and will allow you to directly import a video from your Qumu account to the media library.
Metatags - every asset that you will
see in the Media library has the option to add meta tags or keywords - clicking
on the bluebutton
under each image or icon for the media type. This will open a window as follows
that will allow you to add a list of keywords to help you categorize the item
in the media library.
Having addedkeywords to the image or video etc. as in the example above, you will then be able to sort the media library (or filter it ) through the meta tags list on the left hand side of the media library. As you can see from the screen shot if you expand the list you will see the three keywords added for the image slide
You can add as many keywords as you like and re-use the same keyword several times in order to assist with filtering the media library view. Click on the word emergency in the keyword or meta tag list and you will see a filtered view in the media library window of only the items that have that meta tag or keyword associated with them
Delete- To delete an item from the content library (that you are no longer using and to save space) simply click on the delete button beneath each of the items in the media library window . The delete option is intelligent in that it will also figure out which slides you are currently using the particular media item in, in the case below it is indicating slide 13 in the show called 720
You then have the choice to also delete the slide or slides as well as the media file from the server. Removing the entries automatically added to the list will prevent the slides from being deleted and only remove the media item
Each media item will have a similar set of options that you can select in each of the view windows
As you can see from the screenshot above the show where the imageis currently being used or is located is indicated, plus the file name of the image or video etc. file. Also you will see one or more entries to show you where the image or media asset is being used, the slide html file name . This will help you locate the content more easily.
Beneath this information you will see the Delete button described above, the Metatags button also described above, a download to your local disk button, and a "select' button. The "select' button is only used when you launch the media library from a slide creation or slide edit window and you wish to copy the path to the media file to a slide you are working on.
Sometimes you may have a media file that is on the system but is not actually being used. The example below shows a tree image , that is in the show called 720 but is not actually being used in any slide . This is especially useful for knowing when or if you have expired content that you have not flagged for expiry.
Filter by show - if you only want to see media items used in one specific show then you can select the option from the left hand menu to pick only the show you want to see:
In the example above we have selected the Emergency1 show as the filter and now only the images in that show are displayed. This will then filter out only the show that you select and you will see only the video, images, and audio that are used in that show only.
Selecting the "Show All' option will then bring the complete library of media for all shows back into view.